Cookie Policy

This page describes the cookie policy for the site which can be reached at the url

What are cookies?

Cookies or other Identifiers consist of portions of code placed on the User’s device that assist the Owner in providing the Service according to the purposes described.

Some of the purposes of using the identifiers may also require the User’s consent. If it has already been given, consent can be freely revoked at any time by following the instructions contained in this document.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies for several reasons as described below. Unfortunately, there is no unique way to disable cookies without compromising some features of this site, so we recommend that you leave all cookies enabled if you are unsure which of them you need.

Disable cookies

You can prevent the downloading of cookies from your browser settings (look in the browser documentation for more information). Please note that generally there is the possibility to disable cookies in a fine way both for the site of origin and for their nature (cookies of the visited site or third parties).

What are the cookies we set?

Those related to creating an account on the site. This site offers (or will offer in the future) the creation of user accounts. If you create an account on our site, cookies will be required to manage authentication and user functionality. This cookie is generally deleted immediately after logging out, but can sometimes remain stored to “remember” your browsing preferences on the site.
Login related cookies. We load cookies when you authenticate as a user on our site, so that we can track that you have done so. This allows you to continue browsing as an authenticated user without having to re-enter your username and password each time you visit a new page in the same session. Generally these cookies are deleted or “emptied” when you log out so that personal or restricted access areas continue to remain so if those who surf are not authenticated.
Cookies related to emails sent. This site offers (or will offer in the future) services such as subscribing to a newsletter sent by email. Cookies allow us to verify that you are a registered user in order to be able to show you certain notifications that are valid only for subscribers.
Form related cookies. When you fill out a form (for example to ask for information) some cookies may be loaded to remember your preferences for a future reuse of the same forms.
Browsing preferences cookies. In order to ensure a pleasant browsing on our site, some browsing preferences may be customizable. To remember these preferences it will be necessary to store them on specific cookies.

Third party cookies

In some special cases we also use cookies provided by third parties. Here are some details about them.

This site uses or may use Google Analytics which is one of the most popular platforms for analyzing site traffic and allows those who publish websites to understand what the public’s preferences are and what the site’s critical issues are. It is a very important tool to help us improve our website. The cookies set through Google Analytics keep track of user behavior on the site, such as which pages they view and for how long. For more information you can refer to the official Google Analytics website.
Our site uses or may use buttons or widgets that will allow you to browse social media in different ways. In order for this to work, the social media “Facebook” and “Instagram” will set cookies through our site in order to enrich your social profile or contribute to the data they store for different needs. For more details, please refer to the Privacy Policies that Facebook and Instagram publish on their sites.

More information

We hope that the above information is clear and sufficient, but if you want more information do not hesitate to contact us through the email  request information

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